Advanced UHK configuration

Hi there, and welcome to this much-overdue UHK update!

Agent and the UHK firmware have been getting increasingly powerful, but we haven't done a good job showcasing these capabilities. Luckily, John came to the rescue and created an excellent YouTube tutorial featuring the following points:

  • 00:00 What are smart macros?
  • 01:02 Dual function backtick
  • 02:58 Special macros for initialization and keymap changes
  • 03:55 OS-specific settings by keymap
  • 04:47 Capslock shift
  • 05:38 Record macro and playback to avoid tedious repetition
  • 06:31 Reassign keymap during alt-tab to close apps with one hand
  • 07:52 Function keys EVERYWHERE
  • 09:04 Delete line and easy-to-use macro wizard form
  • 09:24 Mouse jiggler to avoid screen timeouts
  • 10:48 Gaming macro shift walk tap or hold
  • 11:25 One shot modifier for fluid typing
  • 11:58 Creating your macros, community support, and GPT4

John has also made these macros available on a dedicated GitHub page, so you can easily copy-paste them into Agent.

Speaking of Agent, we've been adding some new features worth mentioning, especially in the context of smart macros. See the following screenshot.

As you can see, we've added syntax highlighting and autocomplete. Autocomplete is thoroughly implemented, using the actual grammar and a generic parser. As such, its completions should be close to 100% contextually accurate. It's also worth mentioning that Agent pulls the grammar of the exact firmware revision actually used.

Agent also displays the error of a macro I intentionally made when saving the configuration. Clicking on the error makes the cursor jump to the relevant position of the affected macro. Thanks to these improvements, writing your macros is easier than ever.

Smart macros are a big deal because they enable features traditionally only possible with QMK and ZMK in a highly integrated manner without installing a toolchain. If you want to learn more about smart macros, the following resources should be useful:

  • smart macro user guide - a light introduction to basic concepts, including many examples
  • smart macro reference manual - an exhaustive (although dry and formal) list of all commands
  • The forum's "my configuration" and "configuration question" categories contain many examples and are the place to share your ideas and get help with their implementation.
  • Agent has an integrated, interactive smart macro reference that mostly describes configuration commands. See the "smart macro reference" tab on the right side of the previous screenshot. This side pane will eventually include all the smart macro documentation.

Finally, I want to share two recent UHK reviews. The first was made by John, and in his true style, he's done a deep dive featuring Riser, the palm rests, the modules, the keycaps and switches, and many layout-related and smart macro-related topics, even gaming.

Evan has also made a UHK review, largely featuring the ergonomic benefits and accessories of the UHK, especially the modules.

That's it for now! I hope you found this update useful. Talk to you later!

Agent 4: Module configuration and advanced typing settings

Hi there, and welcome to this UHK update!

We've released Agent 4, which features dedicated module configuration pages, a new "typing behavior" page, and additional settings on the "mouse key speed" page.

I think it’s a huge release because even though the newly exposed settings were available via smart macros, I’m sure many of you didn’t use them due to their complexity. Now, they’re super easy to use.

If you use smart macros that already set the newly exposed settings, they’ll overwrite these settings, so make sure to delete the related smart macro commands.

Now, let me show you the settings pages.

Module configuration

Notice the puzzle icons just above the modules. You'll be taken to the relevant module configuration page if you click on one of them. Alternatively, you can click on the desired module under the Modules menu in the side menu.

A lot is going on, but fear not; hovering over the little question mark icons reveals tooltips that explain the settings.

You can adjust the speed and acceleration of modules and fine-tune axis locking settings to prevent unintended movements on the non-dominant axis while scrolling or using the caret mode. There are also some module-specific settings. Most notably, you can tweak the touchpad's pinch-to-zoom and drag-and-drop behavior.

On the right side of the screen, you can assign per-layer navigation modes. The navigation mode describes what the module does when moving its pointer device. For example, the cursor mode moves the mouse cursor. The scroll mode scrolls, just like the scroll wheel of a mouse. The caret mode moves the text cursor, which is useful in editors.

Typing behavior

The advanced secondary role resolution strategy is useful if you want to use secondary roles on alphanumeric keys, in which case the simple resolution strategy tends to interfere with writing.

With the keystroke delay setting, you can add artificial delay to keystrokes, which can be useful for some applications, especially for RDP clients that have problems accepting fast input.

Mouse key speed settings

The newly added axis skew settings allow you to move/scroll faster horizontally than vertically or vice versa, which can be useful for ultrawide monitors or moving through multiple workspaces.

When moving diagonally with mouse keys, vertical and horizontal speeds add up. However, when checking the "compensate diagonal speed" option, the diagonal speed will match the horizontal/vertical speed.

Further improvements

In addition to the above, the firmware keeps evolving. It now automatically recovers from occasional trackpoint drifts after a few seconds, and we've improved compatibility with some KVM switches.

I hope you're as excited about these developments as we are and that they'll make your UHK even more useful. Speaking of the UHK, we have stock of every product and ship in a week, so don't delay; buy today.

Talk to you later!

High-degree tenting is here

Introducing Riser, our tenting accessory designed to elevate your keyboard experience. Riser enables adjustable tenting at precise 5-degree increments, ranging from 10 to 60 degrees, ensuring the perfect angle for your comfort.

Riser only works with a wooden or rubber UHK palm rest, and it's compatible with both the UHK 60 v1 and UHK 60 v2.

Its robust construction features an all-metal design, weighing 620 grams. The powder-coated steel plates are equipped with rubber feet, preventing any desk slippage and ensuring stability.

Riser is designed for effective usage, allowing you to swiftly open or close it in roughly three seconds for each keyboard half. This is in stark contrast with some other tenting solutions that demand a long ritual involving the meticulous folding and unfolding of numerous tiny feet into precise positions each time they are set up or packed away. Although the initial configuration and angle testing take more time, requiring a minute per keyboard half and a screwdriver, the convenience in daily use is unmatched.

For those new to adjustable tenting, we recommend starting at a lower angle and gradually increasing it to find your ideal position.

An additional benefit of Riser is its seamless integration with your UHK. When closed, your keyboard lies flat on the table, even with the halves merged. When opened, Riser maintains its position securely, ensuring no unintended unfolding, even when elevating your UHK.

Let us close this announcement with two photos of Riser.

We hope you'll enjoy Riser as much as we enjoyed making it, and we're confident it will enhance your typing experience. We have stock of all of our products and ship in a week, so don't delay; buy them all today!

Alternative shipping options?

Summary: We can't provide cheaper shipping options than DHL Express.

Occasionally, we receive requests for a less expensive shipping method than DHL, particularly for smaller items. The suggestion often is to simply place these parts in an envelope for more cost-effective postage. Unfortunately, the solution isn't that straightforward.

We are committed to our customers' satisfaction and have thoroughly investigated alternative shipping solutions. To ensure full transparency, I'd like to share our findings with you.

We've sought quotes from other delivery services, including UPS and FedEx. However, DHL's offer remains the most competitive, and their service has been consistently reliable. The Hungarian post office emerges as the only other affordable alternative.

Our experience with the Hungarian post office, based on five test shipments, has been less than ideal:

  • We encountered an overwhelming amount of paperwork, particularly for customs processes, which proved to be a significant drain on our time.
  • There was a complete lack of communication regarding delivery times, with no notifications via email, phone, or SMS.
  • Once packages depart Hungary, tracking information becomes inaccessible.
  • They offer no compensation for packages that are lost in transit.
  • In one instance, a customer was not home to receive the delivery and subsequently never received their package.

Furthermore, the Hungarian post office's online system appears rudimentary and outdated, which does not inspire confidence in their IT capabilities or the reliability of their service. Integrating their API into our webshop and order fulfillment system would be a major undertaking, and frankly, we have reservations about their system's availability.

Lastly, we asked DHL whether they could offer economy shipping instead of express, and they told us they couldn't.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. However, in light of these challenges, we have decided not to offer alternative shipping options in the foreseeable future.

Module survey

Hi there,

This month's newsletter is a short one: We're curious about the experience of UHK module owners to make future modules better.

If you have a module, please fill out the survey.

Meanwhile, high above the clouds:

Artisans never disappoint with their stunning keycaps:

We keep improving the UHK, and we're glad our efforts are appreciated:

Talk to you later!

The rubber palm rest is here

TL;DR: We're introducing the UHK rubber palm rest, now available in our webshop.

Since the beginning, we've been offering the UHK wooden palm rest that many of you love. However, we've consistently heard requests for an alternative, so we've been working on a new option recently.

The rubber palm rest matches the wooden one in size and shape. Its durability is on par, too, thanks to the rubber being fixed to a powder-coated steel plate that connects to the UHK.

We use EPDM rubber of Shore 60 hardness. It has a slightly grainy surface and a decent grip. Internally, the rubber has a cell structure that remains firm under pressure.

The rubber palm rest has more of an industrial look than the wooden palm rest. We opted for all-black, so if you're a secret agent on a mission and want to stay undercover, look no further. We don't plan to offer additional palm rest colors.

As for compatibility, the rubber palm rest is compatible with both the UHK 60 v1 and v2, so you're covered regardless of your UHK version.

Thanks for reading this update. Talk to you later!

Per-key backlighting is here

TL;DR: Update to the newest Agent and set the backlighting of keys to your heart's desire!

The UHK 60 v2 has been supporting functional backlighting from the get-go, which is loosely speaking per-key backlighting, but functional backlighting colors are tied to the configuration of keys, so it hasn't been possible to set colors independently of key mappings until now.

Let's see how to use Agent's new and shiny (pun clearly intended) per-key backlighting feature.

First, update to the newest Agent and let it update your firmware.

Next up, navigate to the new "LED settings" page.

In the "Functional backlighting colors" section, you can adjust the eight functional backlighting colors if you want to stick to functional backlighting.

The newly added "LED fade timeout" option disables the LEDs after the specified idle interval. (This option has been available as a smart macro variable).

If you want to finally switch to per-key backlighting, choose the "Per-key backlighting" option in the "Backlighting mode" section of the page and check out one of your keymaps.

As you can see, there's a color palette on the top of the page, and by default, all keys are white. Now let's pick a color and start painting.

When hitting the "Save to keyboard" button, the colors will be updated on your UHK. Key colors are saved per keymap and per layer.

You can easily add new colors, adjust existing colors, and remove any colors. Just hover over the palette, and read the instructions in the tooltips.

When the paint mode is inactive (none of the colors are checked), you can drag key colors to the palette to overwrite existing palette colors or add new colors.

Talk to you later!

New orders ship in a week

Hi there,

This is a short update to let you know that new orders ship in a week. If you ever wanted to buy your UHK but were afraid of the historically long shipping delays, fear no more as we finally have stock.

And if you got your UHK, tweet about it, or it didn’t happen! We’re always delighted to hear about Ultimate Hackers as they receive their orders.

Talk to you later!

The UHK forum is waiting for you

Ultimate Hackers rejoice; we have a forum! Feel free to sign up and mingle, even if you're not single.

Asking for a forum has been a recurring theme among the community, and understandably so, as there are countless ways to configure the UHK, especially with the introduction of smart macros that open up a new world of possibilities. Twitter doesn't cut it for long, thoughtful discussions.

We needed a forum with outstanding usability that supports easy-to-follow, thematic conversations. Given these criteria, the choice was obvious to me: Discourse.

Discourse is an open-source forum engine made by the community for the community. I've been participating in many Discourse forums, and my experience has been exceptionally frictionless; Discourse is designed extremely well from the inside out.

I've recently taken some time to set up a self-hosted Discourse instance, then tweaked it a bit. Members started to flock in, and it's becoming quite a buzzy place, even unannounced.

What is the UHK forum about?

This forum is about all things UHK, except:

  • Customer support – Please submit your issue via our contact page instead.
  • Sales – If you want to sell your UHK, please use r/mechmarket?q=uhk or another marketplace, as we prefer to make the forum a useful source of information about the UHK, not a marketplace.

Based on the current threads, most members are looking for advice regarding configuration settings, and quite frankly, we could use some help from experienced users answering these questions. Still, regardless of what you're interested in, you're welcome to join.

I hope you'll enjoy the forum. Let's be excellent with each other, and we'll see you there!

UHK 60 v1 backlight upgrade kit

TL;DR: We've just released the UHK 60 v1 backlight upgrade kit, containing keycaps, LEDs, and a keycap puller. Soldering is needed to install the LEDs.

Ages ago, we promised to release the backlight upgrade kit for the UHK 60 v1. In the meantime, we've been busy releasing the modules, the UHK 60 v2, and catching up with production amid Covid and the chip shortage. But now that we've caught up, it's time to release the kit, so let's discuss the details.

On the bright side, pun clearly intended, the sides of the keycaps are also lit, not just their top side. As a matter of fact, the backlighting of the sides is more consistent than the top sides.

On the flip side, these keycaps are laser-etched ABS keycaps that may last years but won't last forever, and the black paint may wear off eventually. We plan only to use PBT keycaps going forward, but this kit is such a niche product, even for us, that it didn't make financial sense to pay for the tooling of custom PBT keycaps. (The UHK 60 v2 PBT keycaps are not recommended to be used with this kit because UHK 60 v1 LEDs are located at the bottom of the keycaps versus the UHK 60 v2 LEDs, which are located at the top.)

The kit contains keycaps for both ANSI and ISO UHKs, and it doesn't contain Mac and Windows keys, only Super keys.

The UHK 60 v1 only supports single-color backlighting. Namely, we provide white LEDs, and you have to solder them. Soldering is quite time-consuming, so we don't offer a soldering service but provide installation instructions.

Thank you for reading this short announcement. We hope we put a smile on the faces of some UHK 60 v1 owners. Talk to you later!