Welcome to this short shipping update!
The first ten UHK 80 keyboards have left our facility today!

The 3,000mAh batteries have been stuck at DPD China for a long time, so we're not yet shipping UHK orders containing batteries. We asked our battery supplier to send another batch via DHL, which is expected to arrive in early January. By then, all UHK 80 keyboards without batteries should be shipped.
Currently, we're only shipping UHK 80 keyboards with black cases, as we haven't received other colors yet. We expect other colors to arrive around mid-January. If you want to expedite your order by changing to a black case and your UHK contains batteries, please wait until the batteries arrive, which we'll announce. Since we might receive the colored cases around the same time as the batteries, changing case colors doesn't make sense yet unless your UHK doesn't contain batteries.
We follow our first-come, first-served principle as closely as possible and always ship the earliest orders first, but the above exceptions currently apply. We expect to fulfill every UHK 80 order by the end of January 2025.
In the meantime, we've merged the UHK 80 codebase into the official firmware and Agent repositories and are rapidly improving them.
I'll keep you updated weekly via the delivery status page and monthly via these updates. Thanks for reading, and stay tuned!