
Advanced UHK configuration

Hi there, and welcome to this much-overdue UHK update!

Agent and the UHK firmware have been getting increasingly powerful, but we haven't done a good job showcasing these capabilities. Luckily, John came to the rescue and created an excellent YouTube tutorial featuring the following points:

  • 00:00 What are smart macros?
  • 01:02 Dual function backtick
  • 02:58 Special macros for initialization and keymap changes
  • 03:55 OS-specific settings by keymap
  • 04:47 Capslock shift
  • 05:38 Record macro and playback to avoid tedious repetition
  • 06:31 Reassign keymap during alt-tab to close apps with one hand
  • 07:52 Function keys EVERYWHERE
  • 09:04 Delete line and easy-to-use macro wizard form
  • 09:24 Mouse jiggler to avoid screen timeouts
  • 10:48 Gaming macro shift walk tap or hold
  • 11:25 One shot modifier for fluid typing
  • 11:58 Creating your macros, community support, and GPT4

John has also made these macros available on a dedicated GitHub page, so you can easily copy-paste them into Agent.

Speaking of Agent, we've been adding some new features worth mentioning, especially in the context of smart macros. See the following screenshot.

As you can see, we've added syntax highlighting and autocomplete. Autocomplete is thoroughly implemented, using the actual grammar and a generic parser. As such, its completions should be close to 100% contextually accurate. It's also worth mentioning that Agent pulls the grammar of the exact firmware revision actually used.

Agent also displays the error of a macro I intentionally made when saving the configuration. Clicking on the error makes the cursor jump to the relevant position of the affected macro. Thanks to these improvements, writing your macros is easier than ever.

Smart macros are a big deal because they enable features traditionally only possible with QMK and ZMK in a highly integrated manner without installing a toolchain. If you want to learn more about smart macros, the following resources should be useful:

  • smart macro user guide - a light introduction to basic concepts, including many examples
  • smart macro reference manual - an exhaustive (although dry and formal) list of all commands
  • The forum's "my configuration" and "configuration question" categories contain many examples and are the place to share your ideas and get help with their implementation.
  • Agent has an integrated, interactive smart macro reference that mostly describes configuration commands. See the "smart macro reference" tab on the right side of the previous screenshot. This side pane will eventually include all the smart macro documentation.

Finally, I want to share two recent UHK reviews. The first was made by John, and in his true style, he's done a deep dive featuring Riser, the palm rests, the modules, the keycaps and switches, and many layout-related and smart macro-related topics, even gaming.

Evan has also made a UHK review, largely featuring the ergonomic benefits and accessories of the UHK, especially the modules.

That's it for now! I hope you found this update useful. Talk to you later!

Agent 4: Module configuration and advanced typing settings

Hi there, and welcome to this UHK update!

We've released Agent 4, which features dedicated module configuration pages, a new "typing behavior" page, and additional settings on the "mouse key speed" page.

I think it’s a huge release because even though the newly exposed settings were available via smart macros, I’m sure many of you didn’t use them due to their complexity. Now, they’re super easy to use.

If you use smart macros that already set the newly exposed settings, they’ll overwrite these settings, so make sure to delete the related smart macro commands.

Now, let me show you the settings pages.

Module configuration

Notice the puzzle icons just above the modules. You'll be taken to the relevant module configuration page if you click on one of them. Alternatively, you can click on the desired module under the Modules menu in the side menu.

A lot is going on, but fear not; hovering over the little question mark icons reveals tooltips that explain the settings.

You can adjust the speed and acceleration of modules and fine-tune axis locking settings to prevent unintended movements on the non-dominant axis while scrolling or using the caret mode. There are also some module-specific settings. Most notably, you can tweak the touchpad's pinch-to-zoom and drag-and-drop behavior.

On the right side of the screen, you can assign per-layer navigation modes. The navigation mode describes what the module does when moving its pointer device. For example, the cursor mode moves the mouse cursor. The scroll mode scrolls, just like the scroll wheel of a mouse. The caret mode moves the text cursor, which is useful in editors.

Typing behavior

The advanced secondary role resolution strategy is useful if you want to use secondary roles on alphanumeric keys, in which case the simple resolution strategy tends to interfere with writing.

With the keystroke delay setting, you can add artificial delay to keystrokes, which can be useful for some applications, especially for RDP clients that have problems accepting fast input.

Mouse key speed settings

The newly added axis skew settings allow you to move/scroll faster horizontally than vertically or vice versa, which can be useful for ultrawide monitors or moving through multiple workspaces.

When moving diagonally with mouse keys, vertical and horizontal speeds add up. However, when checking the "compensate diagonal speed" option, the diagonal speed will match the horizontal/vertical speed.

Further improvements

In addition to the above, the firmware keeps evolving. It now automatically recovers from occasional trackpoint drifts after a few seconds, and we've improved compatibility with some KVM switches.

I hope you're as excited about these developments as we are and that they'll make your UHK even more useful. Speaking of the UHK, we have stock of every product and ship in a week, so don't delay; buy today.

Talk to you later!

Per-key backlighting is here

TL;DR: Update to the newest Agent and set the backlighting of keys to your heart's desire!

The UHK 60 v2 has been supporting functional backlighting from the get-go, which is loosely speaking per-key backlighting, but functional backlighting colors are tied to the configuration of keys, so it hasn't been possible to set colors independently of key mappings until now.

Let's see how to use Agent's new and shiny (pun clearly intended) per-key backlighting feature.

First, update to the newest Agent and let it update your firmware.

Next up, navigate to the new "LED settings" page.

In the "Functional backlighting colors" section, you can adjust the eight functional backlighting colors if you want to stick to functional backlighting.

The newly added "LED fade timeout" option disables the LEDs after the specified idle interval. (This option has been available as a smart macro variable).

If you want to finally switch to per-key backlighting, choose the "Per-key backlighting" option in the "Backlighting mode" section of the page and check out one of your keymaps.

As you can see, there's a color palette on the top of the page, and by default, all keys are white. Now let's pick a color and start painting.

When hitting the "Save to keyboard" button, the colors will be updated on your UHK. Key colors are saved per keymap and per layer.

You can easily add new colors, adjust existing colors, and remove any colors. Just hover over the palette, and read the instructions in the tooltips.

When the paint mode is inactive (none of the colors are checked), you can drag key colors to the palette to overwrite existing palette colors or add new colors.

Talk to you later!

How to use modifier layers

Let's say you want to map Ctrl+C to Shift+1.

First up, add the Shift layer to your keymap:

On the Shift layer, map the 1 key to Ctrl+C:

The modifier layer (in this example, the Shift layer) automatically becomes active when you press the relevant modifier key. If a key on the modifier layer is unmapped, the UHK will fall back to the base layer and compose its mapping with the modifier.

You're probably already done, but there's one more thing. By default, modifier layers can be activated by both left and right modifiers. If you want to use only the left or right modifier to activate a modifier layer, you can change the modifier layer triggers via smart macros:

You're done!

Setting LED fade timeout

Update 2023-08-19: Now the "LED settings" page contains the "LED fade timeout" setting, so you don't have to use smart macros to use it.

Some of you want your UHK to automatically turn off its LEDs after some idle time, which can be configured by setting the leds.fadeTimeout smart macro variable in the $onInit macro as follows.

You can learn more about smart macros.

We realize that this setting is not as accessible as it should be, and we'll make it easier to adjust it in later Agent versions.

Agent 2: Next-level UHK and module configuration

TL;DR: Say hi to 12 layers per keymap, module speed and acceleration settings, and loads of advanced features, mostly enabled by the new smart macros functionality of the latest UHK Agent and firmware releases.

I don’t usually write dedicated posts about new releases, but this is a major one, we’ve been working on it for a year, and it delivers a huge punch that can elevate your UHK experience to the next level, so it mustn’t go unnoticed.

A summary of new features to whet your appetite:

  • Extended the original four layers per keymap with four regular layers (Fn2, Fn3, Fn4, Fn5) and four modifier layers (Shift, Ctrl, Alt, Super).
  • All modules: speed and acceleration settings, axis locking settings, per-layer navigation modes
  • Key cluster module: Added the ability to fine-tune or disable the behavior of the mini trackball.
  • Trackpoint module: Fixed occasional trackpoint pointer jumps and made it easy to stop drifting if it occurred.
  • Touchpad module: Implemented pinch-to-zoom, two-finger scrolling, doubletap-to-drag, and made the tap action configurable.
  • Advanced configuration scenarios via smart macros, such as configurable modifier layer triggers, mouse key axis skew, and LED fade timeout
  • Super-advanced configuration scenarios via extended macro commands, such as variables, loops, double tap actions, and runtime macro recording.
  • Implemented N-key rollover.
  • Made accelerate and decelerate actions work with modules.
  • Fixed USB descriptors which caused high CPU load on Macintosh computers.

Let’s go over the main features, but first, install the new Agent. Then it’ll upgrade your UHK to the new firmware.

12 layers per keymap

Instead of 4 layers, you can now have 12 layers per keymap.

You can enable/disable any of the above layers per keymap except for the base layer, which is mandatory.

The Fn2, Fn3, Fn4, and Fn5 layers work just like the existing layers, but Shift, Ctrl, Alt, and Super are modifier layers.

On modifier layers, you can map alternative actions per key, which trigger when the key is pressed with the relevant modifier. For example, now you can implement the Programmer Dvorak layout solely on the UHK.

Credit: “The Case for the Programmers’ Keyboard Layout” by Zachary Johnson

Smart macros introduction

You’re probably already familiar with regular macros, which are a sequence of macro actions, such as keypresses and mouse movements.

Smart macros, however, enable the advanced customization of your UHK and its modules. See the following screenshot, which shows a macro named $onInit containing a command macro action that contains multiple macro commands:

$onInit is a special macro name. It's a macro event that executes each time your UHK gets powered and when you save its configuration.

"set module.trackball.baseSpeed 1" is a macro command that sets the base speed of the trackball module to 1.

Macro commands work in any macros, not only in macro events, and you can bind them to any key. This way, you can make Fn+1 set your trackball base speed to 1, and make Fn+2 set it to 2, for example.

Interactive smart macro editing

Adjusting values by editing text is tedious. This is why we created a smart macro sidebar that can be opened on macro pages. This sidebar contains easy-to-read documentation and provides interactive widgets that make configuration a breeze.

When clicking on a macro command action, the widgets of the smart macro sidebar display the actual values of the commands, and module-specific widgets appear. You just have to interact with these widgets, hit the usual “Save to keyboard” button, and your settings will be applied immediately.

I strongly recommend you delve into these settings, as they can make a huge difference. The default sensitivity settings of the modules are reasonable, but by tweaking them to your needs, you can make them so much more usable. Maybe, just maybe, you can finally get rid of your mouse.

Advanced configuration scenarios

Besides $onInit, there’s also the “$onKeymapChange {keymapId}” macro event, such as $onKeymapChange QWR, which is executed when the QWR keymap is activated.

This event enables you to have keymap-specific settings, which allows for many advanced use cases. For example, different operating systems have different mouse sensitivity. This feature allows you to have different speed and acceleration settings for your mouse keys and modules via different operating system-specific keymaps.

Believe it or not, I’m still scratching the surface. If you really want to go crazy, you can use the set "macroEngine.extendedCommands 1" command to enable the extended macro engine, allowing for variables, loops, and countless advanced commands. If you’re comfortable with delving into manual pages, check out the extended macro engine user guide and reference manual.

Smart macros history and credit

Smart macros have an interesting history, starting out as Karel Tuček’s UHK firmware fork on GitHub.

Karel wanted special firmware features, and he originally (ab)used the text macro actions of Agent by making the firmware interpret the lines starting with the $ character as special commands. He’s essentially implemented a command interpreter in the UHK firmware that allowed for his advanced use cases.

I saw his efforts early on, and I was impressed, but I considered his work quite niche and wasn’t too interested. (In retrospect, I can see that his advanced commands are used and loved by many.)

Then it struck me that smart macros could enable the configuration of many UHK and module features without developing Agent, which is a huge win, as adding new features both to Agent and the firmware takes a ton of work. Exposing new features only via the macro engine of the firmware is so much easier. 

I came up with the idea of macro events and making smart macros a first-class citizen in Agent, then implemented the smart macro sidebar. Karel has implemented the acceleration driver of the modules, macro events, and, nowadays, pretty much everything that has to be done with firmware logic. His work is hard to overstate.

As an interesting trivia, the macro command editor of Agent might feel familiar. This is because we use Monaco editor, which also powers Visual Studio Code. In a way, Agent became an integrated development environment, supporting a special keyboard language whose interpreter runs in the UHK firmware.

The future of smart macros

I eventually want to expose basic smart macro settings, such as module settings or the LED fade timeout, not only via the smart macro sidebar but dedicated Agent widgets for better usability.

Nonetheless, we’ll keep and extend the currently available smart macro commands and settings because they allow for advanced configuration scenarios.

I plan to gradually move the extended macro commands from the current markdown macro documentation into the smart macro sidebar of Agent to make them easier to digest and not hide them behind the set "macroEngine.extendedCommands 1" command.

Closing words

To this day, we’ve released 60 Agent versions and 66 firmware versions, and we’re still going strong. I’m excited about our progress and grateful to our wonderful customers for their support. We keep moving forward because of you.

Thank you for reading this update! As usual, we plan to publish a manufacturing update around the end of the month. Stay safe!

Module production is underway

Hi there, and welcome to this delayed monthly UHK status update!

TL; DR: The assembly of the first 400 modules is underway in our facility, and we expect to ship them in about a week. Afterward, we’ll be continuously producing and shipping module preorders as quickly as we can. One of our key contractors has become suddenly overloaded, and as a result, we expect to start UHK 60 v2 production around the end of April. There are a lot of cool demos in this update, so make sure to read it.

Module production

Module manufacturing has finally started, and we’re assembling the first 400 modules, including 100 modules per type. The following photo was taken after surface-mount assembly and shows the module panels:

Unlike the UHK panels, the module panels contain numerous PCBs. The key cluster panel looks like some kind of modern art:

The trackball panel is very densely populated:

It’s interesting to peek into the modules, so here are some pictures of them half-assembled and fully assembled:

The following modules have been assembled so far:

The modules’ look and accuracy have greatly improved since I made the last module demo videos, so I’ve made some new ones. At the end of the videos, you can see the scrolling navigation mode in action assigned to the Mod layer of my UHK 60 v2. This mode makes it easy to zoom through a massive amount of content quickly, and it’s great to skim through documents.

Let’s start with the trackball module.

We’ve tried many different balls, and we’re unsure whether to provide a light black resin ball or a heavier steel ball, so we’ll include both. We may eventually offer only one of these balls based on your feedback. The balls can be quickly replaced without tools, according to the following video.

The new, modified, injection-molded spacer improved trackpoint accuracy, and now it feels more accurate.

Beyond single tapping, the touchpad module supports two-finger tapping, two-finger scrolling, and pinch to zoom, but only tapping is supported at this point. We’ll add firmware support for every one of these actions soon.

Can the modules replace the mouse? It’s a question asked by many, so it’s worth an answer. The modules are a good fit to replace the mouse for regular desktop use, such as web browsing or interacting with applications. If you’re a graphics designer and spend a lot of time in Gimp or Photoshop, a mouse or a graphic tablet is a better choice, though. As for gaming, I think the modules are useful for specific games such as turn-based strategy, but I wouldn’t play fast-paced games, such as first-person shooters with them.

We keep shipping on a first-come, first-served basis, but the first 400 modules will be sent only to non-Crowd Supply backers. The reason for this is that Crowd Supply could potentially cause a weeks-long delay in delivery, and it is vital to get quick user feedback at the start of module mass production.

After shipping the first 400 modules, we’ll fully adhere to our first-come, first-served shipping policy, and we’ll be continuously producing and shipping module pre-orders as quickly as we can. So far, module mass-production has been a smooth ride, but it’s just started, so we don’t have reliable metrics on how long it’ll take to assemble all modules. We’ll provide you an estimate in our next monthly update.

In the meantime, make sure to update your address if you have moved to another location since your order.

Agent progress

Agent has evolved quite a bit recently, and now it’s able to detect every module and configure the actions of module keys and buttons.

A seamless experience of a fully-fledged product is kind of magical, and I believe that the above demo exemplifies it well. You can take a look at Agent’s web demo, which now includes the modules, too. We’re working hard to make the modules not only work for you but amuse you.

UHK 60 v2 progress

Two issues are blocking UHK 60 v2 production: PBT keycaps and plastic parts.

We’ve received a new PBT keycap sample set for approval since the last monthly update. This sample is a definite improvement over the previous one, but some keycaps’ shine-thru performance, especially the convex keycaps’, should be better. Our supplier is doing their best to maximize shine-through performance and provide improved samples soon.

As for the plastic parts of the UHK 60 v2, they’re larger than the modules and can only be molded with a larger machine. We have a great supplier who proved themselves, but due to a sudden influx of foreign orders, they’re quite overwhelmed these days and can only mold UHK 60 v2 parts around the end of April.

Most of you are very patient regarding such delays and primarily concerned about the quality of the final product which we highly appreciate, and we resonate with your mindset. Others are less patient which is understandable. We have dozens of suppliers, and even if one of them introduces a delay, the whole project gets delayed. These delays are often unexpected, and they’re among the top reasons why shipping hardware is so much harder than shipping software. We’ll do our best to push forward. We’re making sure that the wait worths it, and we’ll be keeping you updated.

Your tweets

You guys keep sending your awesome tweets, and we're always eager to read and feature them! If you got your modules, please share your love!

We’ll be keeping you updated on all things UHK and are looking forward to talking to you in mid-April. There’s a lot to do nowadays, so the update may be a bit late, but I’ll do my best.

Module testing result and manufacturing progress

Hi there, and welcome to this monthly UHK status update!

TL; DR: We’ve shipped a couple of modules to select testers, and their feedback was very positive, but they’ve also noticed some small issues. PBT keycap and ABS tooling are late, which affects estimated delivery dates. We plan to start shipping the modules around the end of February or March and the UHK 60 v2 around late March.

Module progress

Shortly before Christmas, we finished assembling the following modules and shipped them to select testers.

The feedback we received was very positive but also revealed some new issues. For some testers, the top and bottom parts of the key cluster came apart.

As for the touchpad, some testers pushed the top board into the module case.

Regarding the trackball, we’ve learned during the assembly process that the sealing ring slightly interfered with the ball in some cases, causing the ball to get stuck somewhat. We’ve also noticed that adding a slight pattern to the ball significantly improves optical sensor tracking at high speeds.

We haven’t heard any critiques of the trackpoint, which is unexpected because the spacer that held the top trackpoint part was 3D printed and slightly wiggled. We already had an injection-molded spacer, but we improved it, resulting in lower trackpoint operating force, and the mold hasn’t been modified yet, hence the 3D-printed part. If the 3D printed part was good enough, then the final molded part will be great.

We’re also removing a small plastic part that connects the two case buttons of right-handed modules based on tester feedback. This way, the buttons will be easier to press along their entire surface. The small plastic part was needed for the 3D-printed button prototypes to be sufficiently rigid, but injection-molded plastic behaves much better, and we’re better off without this part.

Luckily, all of the above issues are easy to fix by tweaking the molds, and our contractor is working on the fixes.

It’s fair to say that we’ve learned a ton from the testers’ feedback and the module assembly. I think we’re at a point where apart from the above fixes, the module hardware is excellent and cannot be improved significantly.

Our mold making contractor expects to update the module molds by the middle of February, and UHK 60 v2 mold modifications are expected to get ready by the beginning of March.

Keycap progress

Our PBT keycap supplier has finally sent us samples for approval. The majority of the keycaps’ shine-through performance is excellent, except for a handful of keys, including Space and Mod.

Several UHK 60 v1 owners wanted consistent key cluster keycaps, and as a result, we will also provide ABS keycaps for the key cluster. Our ABS keycap supplier is ready with convex 1U keycap molds, and we’ll ship every key cluster with both PBT and ABS keycaps. We expect to discontinue ABS keycaps for the key cluster in the far future, but now they’re included for free.

Our PBT keycap supplier recently told us that they can only provide the keycap sets in late March, which surprised us quite a bit. Previously, we only used ABS keycaps, which weren’t subjected to such delays.

As it turns out, manufacturing high quality, custom PBT keycaps of excellent shine-through performance is much more time consuming and complicated than making laser-engraved ABS keycaps, hence the delay.

We’re pushing our supplier to provide at least the key cluster PBT keycaps in March, enabling us to start shipping the modules sooner. Unfortunately, the UHK 60 v2 PBT keycaps will have to wait until the end of March despite our best effort.

Module configuration options

Agent’s master branch can already visualize the modules in real-time, and remapping them should be possible soon. The following screenshot is a work-in-progress, but you get the idea.

Remapping the modules, however, is not sufficient to make them live up to their full potential.

It can be difficult to hit small targets or take too much effort to make large motions with the pointer when using the modules. That’s where speed and acceleration settings come in. The speed setting is a linear multiplier, and the acceleration setting is an exponential multiplier. We’ve been already playing around with these values, and they make a world of difference.

When it comes to module usability, another critical feature is navigation mode, which determines what modules do when using their mousing instrument:

  • Cursor mode: moves the mouse cursor
  • Scroll mode: behaves like a scroll wheel
  • Caret mode: moves the text cursor, just like with up/down/left/right arrow keys
  • Media mode: invokes volume up, volume down, previous track, and next track on upward, downward, leftward, and rightward motions, respectively

Speed, acceleration, and navigation mode will be adjustable on a per-layer and per-module basis. So, for example, you’ll be able to make the trackball scroll when the mod layer is active.

By default, the navigation mode of the base, mouse, mod, and fn layers will be set to cursor, scroll, caret, and media mode, respectively, which are sensible and intuitive defaults given these layers’ default behavior.

I can think of a couple more minor options, and I’m sure the community will make further suggestions, but by and large, I’m quite confident that the above configuration options will provide sufficient freedom to achieve excellent usability.

Your tweets

You guys keep sending your awesome tweets, and we're always eager to read and feature them! I’m blown away by Sebastian’s review, Hubert’s chair mount hack, Alex’s custom tenting stand, and all the modded UHKs. Keep it up!

We’ll be keeping you updated on all things UHK and are looking forward to talking to you in late February.

Major module mold progress

Hi there, and welcome to this delayed monthly UHK status update!

TL; DR: Except for small refinements, the molds of the modules are done, and we have some great looking samples to show you. We’ll send a couple of module prototypes to select testers in December. We plan to start module shipment at the end of January 2021. PBT keycap tooling is coming along nicely. Agent now has a dark mode.

The modules look almost perfect from the outside. Minor surface defects result from not using the final injection molding machine and not setting optimal production parameters, both non-issues for the final production run.

Despite their nearly perfect look, some tooling changes still have to be done to the modules. We’ll fine-tune the length of the bosses of the microswitches to achieve optimal actuation force, and some other internal tweaks have to be done to optimize the parts for assembly.

The key cluster plastic parts should be fine as they are, and we don’t plan to make changes to them. The keycaps on the above photo are not final. The final keycaps will be made of PBT, and the bottom two keycaps will be convex.

Due to popular request, we’ll include three extra blank ABS keycaps for every key cluster for no additional cost to make key clusters more consistent with UHK 60 v1 keyboards.

The inner trackball housing needs to be adjusted for the distance between the ball and the optical sensor.

The trackpoint is already working fine, but we’re experimenting with optimal trackpoint cap height, which may affect the inner holder part. We plan to add a nice texture to the big glossy area near the cap. These are minor tooling changes.

The touchpad plastic parts work flawlessly. The golden edge at the left side won’t be visible as the final mylar sheet’s size will be corrected. The marker text which contains the version number of the PCB won’t be featured on the final product.

The above module plastic samples are surprisingly good for a first run. We aim for a second run in December, at which point the samples should be nearly perfect, and we plan to do a third run in January when we expect the samples to be flawless, and we plan to start shipping at the end of January 2021.

Plastic tooling does take more time than anticipated. We’re doing our best to release the modules as soon as we can. We won’t make any quality compromises, however, and the ETA will be extended if needed. We appreciate your continued patience, and we’ll be keeping you updated.

PBT keycap progress

As for the UHK 60 v2, our supplier sent us a photo of production PBT keycap samples.

Almost all custom legends look fine, but Mod, Space, and right Shift will be revised.

Join the dark side

Mad props go to our fabulous contributor, Mikko Lakomaa, as he has almost single-handedly implemented Agent’s dark mode.

Update to the latest Agent version, go to settings, and join to the dark side.

Magnetic USB cable mod

Simon has written an excellent UHK USB magnetic cable modding guide, which you may want to follow.

You can join the conversation on Twitter.

Your tweets

You guys keep sending your awesome tweets, and we're always eager to read and feature them! If you got your UHK, please share your love!

We’ll be keeping you updated on all things UHK and are looking forward to talking to you in January or sooner.

Right-side module mold progress

Hi there, and welcome to the monthly UHK status update!

TL;DR: Machining of the right-side module molds is well underway, and we should have plastic parts by the end of August. We keep developing the UHK firmware and Agent, and it’s worth updating - not just because of module support.

Our contractor has been making solid progress with the right-side module molds.

If everything goes as planned, we’ll have injection-molded right-side module plastic pieces by the end of August, and we’ll start shipping the modules in September.

We’ll be keeping you updated on a monthly basis, and feel free to change your shipping address any time.

Agent and firmware progress

We’ve been publishing about one Agent and one firmware release per month over the past couple years. These releases contain numerous improvements, so feel free to check out recent Agent releases and recent firmware releases to see them along with their changelog. Also make sure to star these projects to get notifications about their activity on GitHub.

Regarding the firmware, it’s worth mentioning a recent fix which made the UHK play nicely with Ryzen PCs. Previously, in some cases, the UHK only worked via USB hubs when connected to Ryzen PCs. Strictly speaking, the UHK firmware was actually bug-free in this respect. The Ryzen platform just happens to be unreasonably picky regarding USB descriptors.

Speaking of Agent, a new feature makes key swapping extremely easy. You just have to drag a key to another key to swap them.

Now we’re working on making Agent handle the modules. Agent will display the actual state of the UHK just as previously demonstrated, but with the modules included. This will result in a very seamless and intuitive experience.

Your tweets

You guys keep sending your awesome tweets, and we're always eager to read and feature them! If you got your UHK, please share your love!

We’ll be keeping you updated on all things UHK, and are looking forward to talking to you on 2020-09-15.