UHK 60 v2 production keeps accelerating

Hi there, and welcome to this monthly UHK status update!

We're happy to say that despite the holidays, the UHK 60 v2 production volume of December was even higher than November, which already hit a record. We keep catching up with pending orders as quickly as we can, and we’ve been assembling UHKs between the holidays.

New orders are expected to ship in April, and we’ll update the delivery status page every weekend.

We expect production to peak in January, given the lack of holidays and some manufacturing optimizations we’ve implemented. 

We still only have black cases. If you have a pending order containing a UHK 60 v2 with a non-black case or an extra non-black case, we won’t send your pending orders to production until we have non-black cases in stock unless you ask us to switch the case colors of your order to black by filling out this form.

We expect to get colored cases in January. As soon as we get them, we’ll publish an exclusive newsletter with a form with which you’ll be able to switch (back) to your desired case color.

We’re delighted to hear from UHK 60 v2 customers as they receive their orders!

Thanks for reading this update! We’ll be keeping you updated on all things UHK and plan to publish the next update at the end of January.

The comments are closed, but our forum is available for public discussion.


  1. Laur 2022-01-02 at 13:32

    One of the lucky ones receiving their unit in Dec reporting in.

    1. Shift keys' stickiness as others have reported. Am using brown boxed switches. It sometimes also makes a slight squeaky sound when pressed.
    2. This is a minor one, but the final build quality/look isn't as top shelf as i though/expected. Eg when the two halves are put together, the case doesn't line up perfectly. Or you could see some little metal part just sticking outside from under the trackpoint module's left switch. Note this has absolutely no adverse effect to functionality, nor will you notice any of it in everyday use. It's just something my eyes picked up. Suspect most customers won't even notice it, unless you're really anal about such things.
    3. This coming from someone who has no idea about manufacturing or business for that matter, but feel like palm rest could/should be bit less expensive. Especially considering how much it improves the ergonomics. As cheap as possible plastic alternative could be a nice addition to make it more accessible. Not really a feedback I guess, just a rant.
    4. This might not be true, but the actuation force for the keycluster & trackpoint module mouse buttons do not seem consistent. Latter requires less force and feels much better to use.
    5. Another minor one, but think softer material for the legs would make the setup more stable. Or maybe it has to do with decreased contact surface area with the table in tenting layout. Split halves tend to move around bit more than I'd like to see.
    6. Similar to the trackball module, it would be nice to see different trackpoint options included in the package.

    1. Getting used to split layout has been way easier than anticipated. Using the case switches is still tricky because of lack of muscle memory, but it just needs some more time. Their location is absolutely perfect though.
    2. Nothing new here, but the overall look and feel is superb. It does sound like it conflicts with the negative no.2, but if you're not actively searching for imperfections, you'll find nothing. v2 comes with RGB, but can be switched off in agent if that sort of stuff is too obnoxious to you. Glad they're still making hardware that's not for _GAMING_.
    3. Palm rest. It's just amazing and the feel without it does not compare.
    4. Trackpoint module. Haven't seen many pictures from community, but it's superb. If you're a Thinkpad user, getting this module is a no-brainer. Not only do you get the beloved clitmouse, but the two physical mouse switches come in handy as well. This whole module makes the built-in mouse layer obsolete (and hence frees up yet another button). I also got the keycluster module that I haven't yet found good use for. This is highly subjective, but I much prefer the trackpoint mouse buttons to the cluster ones. Cluster has them laid out in much more ergonomic way, but somehow they're not as nice to use. Think it might have to do with cluster switches requiring a harder pressing force to trigger.
    5. The two case switches. Their location is absolutely great, and unsure whether more switches would even be a good idea. Maybe additional ones on the palm rest dimples (ie right below the existing case switches) could work. Personally don't agree with their default mappings - think both of them should be mapped to mod layer, and keys above them as spaces, but all of that can be changed in the agent with no effort. I'm still on the fence regarding the 60% layout, but at least highly-accessible mod buttons (that are difficult to hit accidentally!) give hope the lack of F-key row will soon not be missed. Also {mod+hjkl} is way better alternative to arrow keys.

    1. How to change trackpoint speed in the agent, as changing mouse pointer speed settings don't appear to affect the trackpoint?

    Overall am absolutely happy with the purchase and glad to wait through the year+ wait time. It's certainly a pricey product and the rule of diminishing returns applies, but that's always the case. Only real disappointment on my end is the shift key stickiness I'd rather not see with a product in this price bracket, but that's likely solved by adding some lubrication to the stabilizers and/or switches. Not a showstopper by any means, just something I wouldn't expect customers have to do.

    • László Monda 2022-01-04 at 17:26

      Thank you very much for your detailed feedback, Laur! As for the negatives:

      1. I think we have received three such reports so far. I'll talk with my colleagues, and maybe we'll start oiling stabilizers from this point forward. Motor grease and sewing machine oil should work for this purpose.
      2. I can recall one such feedback about the plastic case of the UHK 60 v1. We've gathered much experience, and chances are the tooling of the next UHK version will be better. We haven't heard about the "little metal part" of the trackpoint module, though. Would you share a photo of it?
      3. Amusingly, the wooden palm rest is our lowest margin product because it's so expensive and cumbersome to manufacture. We're aware of its perceived high price and will release an alternative, cheaper palm rest.
      4. The switch force should be similar, assuming you press the key cluster buttons near the edges. Admittedly, the buttons are harder to press near the middle of the key cluster module. We have yet to develop a better mechanical design, which is challenging due to space constraints. I'll talk with my colleague about this.
      5. I remember one such feedback about the UHK 60 v1 so far. We'll investigate the possibility of improving the grip of the legs.
      6. We don't plan to provide alternative trackpoint caps, but the official IBM TrackPoint caps are compatible with the UHK trackpoint module.

      The positives you mentioned are also much appreciated. You provided tons of insights that are very useful to us.

      The trackpoint speed will be adjustable via smart macros. Look for the new Agent and firmware versions.

      Thanks for everything!

      • Laur 2022-01-10 at 14:58

        1. that'd be highly recommended. As said previously, this was the only real issue worth mentioning.
        2. refer to video: https://transfer.sh/Pq1rTP/uhk-trackpoint-metal-part.mp4
        4. turns out you're right. The edges are on the left and right sides for the cluster module left & right buttons respectively. It's just they're not where the finder wants to press by default. Nothing major though.

        For the other prospective customers, I'd like to add the trackpoint module still benefits greatly from the keycluster module - eg if you need to click&drag, then you'll want mouse buttons to be under your left hand as well. Of course mouse layer can assist with it, but you can't beat dedicated buttons.

        Additional questions:
        a) latest agent macro UI wasn't too intuitive; is this the relevant documentation?: https://github.com/UltimateHackingKeyboard/firmware/blob/master/MACRO_DOCS.md
        b) keycluster's right button click has developed some odd noise. As in there isn't only a single triggering click, but some additional movement that can be heard/felt; unsure if you can hear it from the vid: https://transfer.sh/1Bu0S5/uhk-cluster-right-btn-click.mp4

        @László fyi think the trackpoint module pictures need updating on the site, as they seem to follow some earlier version of the hardware; the trackpoint is not flush with the top surface as the pictures suggest.

        • László Monda 2022-01-12 at 10:33

          1. We've already started oiling stabilizers in the meantime, so this shouldn't be an issue in the future.
          2. This looks like a plastic burr which should have been removed during production. We'll do our best to avoid such issues going forward. We haven't received other complaints about the plastic burrs of modules, but they should be removable with a cutting plier or similar tool.
          A. I think the macro UI is quite intuitive, but smart macros aren't, which are not released yet, and we'll make them more intuitive.
          B. I'm sorry, but we can't hear the noise based on the video.

          We've updated the trackpoint picture and some other pictures in the meantime. We keep updating the pictures of our site from time to time.

  2. Aaron 2022-01-04 at 18:37

    Very much looking forward to getting mine! end of Jan, or early Feb, after you get the color cases in.

    That said, the https://ultimatehackingkeyboard.com/delivery-status doesn't exactly tell me _where_ in the Order #s you currently are at. I have no clue if you're at #8900 or #9500, so I barely have a thought of a guesstimate. Would really be nice if you had something like that.

    • László Monda 2022-01-04 at 20:30

      Hi there! The delivery status page contains the order id of the next order to be shipped. We expect to ship your orders in January. Thanks for your patience!

      • Aaron 2022-01-04 at 20:43

        Ah, I see, I missed the word `next` in there, as I was skimming through the text. Thanks!

      • E 2022-01-23 at 08:16

        Any updated ETA of those colored cases? A week left, do you think that's enough time? 😅

        • László Monda 2022-01-24 at 08:35

          Hi there! Non-black cases will probably happen in February, but we're not sure yet.

          • Aaron 2022-01-26 at 20:53

            Blast! Ah well, expected for supply chains the way they are. I'll be eagerly awaiting mine!

  3. David 2022-01-05 at 13:12

    A question on changing the - how hard and "fiddly" should it be? I swapped the browns on my UHK v2 for box whites and 5 or 6 of them required removal and mutliple re-insertions to get them to work. No pins bent, just didn't register, if that makes sense?

    • László Monda 2022-01-06 at 08:00

      In such cases, it generally helps to slightly bend the pins of problematic switches.

  4. Matthew Sebastian 2022-01-06 at 21:34

    All I can say as someone who has a pending order including two different coloured cases: I can't wait to get my hands on my UHK!

  5. Angel Joaniquet 2022-01-21 at 20:51

    One question about the order status, there is "processing", that means it will be shipped out as soon as possible. What are others possible statuses?

    • László Monda 2022-01-24 at 08:38

      Processing statuses will transition to completed status. There are various statuses but many cover edge cases, so I wouldn't elaborate on them. Only these two statuses matter.

      • Angel Joaniquet 2022-01-24 at 20:05

        Thanks for the info!

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