Right-side module mold progress

Hi there, and welcome to the monthly UHK status update!

TL;DR: Machining of the right-side module molds is well underway, and we should have plastic parts by the end of August. We keep developing the UHK firmware and Agent, and it’s worth updating - not just because of module support.

Our contractor has been making solid progress with the right-side module molds.

If everything goes as planned, we’ll have injection-molded right-side module plastic pieces by the end of August, and we’ll start shipping the modules in September.

We’ll be keeping you updated on a monthly basis, and feel free to change your shipping address any time.

Agent and firmware progress

We’ve been publishing about one Agent and one firmware release per month over the past couple years. These releases contain numerous improvements, so feel free to check out recent Agent releases and recent firmware releases to see them along with their changelog. Also make sure to star these projects to get notifications about their activity on GitHub.

Regarding the firmware, it’s worth mentioning a recent fix which made the UHK play nicely with Ryzen PCs. Previously, in some cases, the UHK only worked via USB hubs when connected to Ryzen PCs. Strictly speaking, the UHK firmware was actually bug-free in this respect. The Ryzen platform just happens to be unreasonably picky regarding USB descriptors.

Speaking of Agent, a new feature makes key swapping extremely easy. You just have to drag a key to another key to swap them.

Now we’re working on making Agent handle the modules. Agent will display the actual state of the UHK just as previously demonstrated, but with the modules included. This will result in a very seamless and intuitive experience.

Your tweets

You guys keep sending your awesome tweets, and we're always eager to read and feature them! If you got your UHK, please share your love!

We’ll be keeping you updated on all things UHK, and are looking forward to talking to you on 2020-09-15.

The comments are closed, but our forum is available for public discussion.


  1. Igor 2020-08-20 at 21:20

    Hi László, thanks for the update. Since it's hard to tell from the demo video*, here's a question about the modules: with a tenting configuration, I'm afraid they might be "swinging" a bit, especially when tapping farthest key in the keycluster module, since there would be no support other than the metal contacts. Could you comment on that?


    * https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cvkFvFA6kps

    • László Monda 2020-08-20 at 21:33

      Hi Igor! Luckily, there's no swinging at all, not even in tenting configuration as the metal guides hold the modules very well.

      • Igor 2020-08-21 at 00:13

        Cool, thanks!

  2. Jared 2020-08-27 at 16:26

    Could we get the ability to print our layouts added to Agent? This is my first non-100% keyboard and I'd *LOVE* the ability to print out a custom "cheat" sheet as I learn the layers!

    • b 2020-09-16 at 15:07

      Why not just print a screenshot? If you don't like all the black just invert the colors on the image and remove the borders using Photoshop or similar. Takes two minutes.

    • László Monda 2020-09-16 at 18:18

      Hi Jared, and sorry for the late reply! We plan to make Agent show layers via OSD.

  3. Jerm 2020-09-16 at 22:53

    Any updates about the modules yet?!

    • László Monda 2020-09-17 at 06:45

      I'll publish a new post soon.

      • Rens 2020-09-24 at 15:18

        Looking forward to it! :) I have been using the UHK a couple of months by now, and I am very happy with the product. I have no idea if the modules will function the way I hope they do as in (easy to move the mouse pointer etc.) but will have to see, it's worth trying for sure.

  4. Andriy 2020-09-30 at 09:44

    The new blog post is so overdue :) Can't wait!

    • asg 2020-09-30 at 14:22

      +1 :))

    • jular 2020-09-30 at 19:18


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