Ultimate Hackers rejoice; we have a forum! Feel free to sign up and mingle, even if you're not single.

Asking for a forum has been a recurring theme among the community, and understandably so, as there are countless ways to configure the UHK, especially with the introduction of smart macros that open up a new world of possibilities. Twitter doesn't cut it for long, thoughtful discussions.

We needed a forum with outstanding usability that supports easy-to-follow, thematic conversations. Given these criteria, the choice was obvious to me: Discourse.

Discourse is an open-source forum engine made by the community for the community. I've been participating in many Discourse forums, and my experience has been exceptionally frictionless; Discourse is designed extremely well from the inside out.

I've recently taken some time to set up a self-hosted Discourse instance, then tweaked it a bit. Members started to flock in, and it's becoming quite a buzzy place, even unannounced.

What is the UHK forum about?

This forum is about all things UHK, except:

  • Customer support – Please submit your issue via our contact page instead.
  • Sales – If you want to sell your UHK, please use r/mechmarket?q=uhk or another marketplace, as we prefer to make the forum a useful source of information about the UHK, not a marketplace.

Based on the current threads, most members are looking for advice regarding configuration settings, and quite frankly, we could use some help from experienced users answering these questions. Still, regardless of what you're interested in, you're welcome to join.

I hope you'll enjoy the forum. Let's be excellent with each other, and we'll see you there!